How about trying a "count-up" instead of a countdown?

Hi, it's Noriko from Kuretake Mental Health Office in Osaka.  Thank you for reaching out my blog.

Do you ever feel like you’ve achieved nothing by the end of the year?
If so, I want to tell you that’s absolutely not true.
If you’ve ever thought, “Anyone could do something like this, so I need to work harder,” I want to say, that’s not true at all.

The end of the year is a time when we often reflect on the past, but it’s easy to focus on what we couldn’t accomplish or where we fell short. However, taking the time to look back positively, thinking “I was able to do this” or “This is my strength,” can be incredibly important and uplifting.

Being able to do something so effortlessly that you think of it as “nothing special” is actually quite impressive. Isn’t it possible that what you overlook might actually be one of your strengths? Have you ever been told by someone, “Wow, that’s amazing!” about something you thought was ordinary?

What feels “normal” to you might be extraordinary to others, and it could even be a part of your unique charm and individuality. Simply becoming more aware of the things you naturally excel at and telling yourself, “This is something I’m really good at,” can create a sense of ease and confidence in your life.

So, how about trying a "count-up" instead of a countdown?

Rather than counting the dwindling time and feeling anxious, why not start today and add one thing each day—something you’ve “done,” “achieved,” “felt happy about,” or “been lucky to experience,” whether it’s from today, this month, or this year—and keep building that list until the end of the year?

Then, as you look back at everything you’ve written down, you can say to yourself, “Wow, I really worked hard!” and step into the new year while celebrating your own efforts☺


If there’s anything you’d like to talk about, I offer in-person sessions in Osaka or online sessions.
You can check my availability and book a session for the end of the year or New Year through the calendar link.


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