For foreign residents in Japan and companies employing foreign staff.

We offer professional counseling services in English to support foreign nationals living and working in Japan. Our services include mental health support and assistance with adjusting to life in Japan.

We provide a safe and understanding environment where you can talk freely. Online sessions are also available.

Counseling Services for International Students in Japan - 留学生・各種学校へのカウンセリング
Supporting the Mental Health of Foreign Employees - 外国籍の社員を採用している企業の皆様

予約をする(空席確認)To make a reservation

村上法子のカウンセリングのご予約確認(24時間対応) For confirmation, pls contact by email) ※お電話によるご予約は、Telephone reservation、 電話による予約方法(フリーダイヤル)でご確認ください Call us toll-free